In the context of drinks it means to drink the drink quickly. I try not to quaff my beer as I want to enjoy its flavour
Quaffing a pint would be emptying a glass of beer like an Australian on a hot day
Comment on King shit 1 year ago
Do I really want to know what "quaff" is?
he quaffed pint after pint of good, good juice.
No, methinks I doth prefer mine earlier ignorance. :-P
In the context of drinks it means to drink the drink quickly. I try not to quaff my beer as I want to enjoy its flavour
Quaffing a pint would be emptying a glass of beer like an Australian on a hot day
Too many people treat drinking like it's some kind of contest imho - like, if you don't enjoy the flavor, then why drink it, and if you do, then why ... ah... quaff it?
On a hot day with a light beer? Because if you’ve been working in the heat, it is really nice and cold and cools you off, and when you drink it fast, you get a little buzz that makes the heat less obnoxious.
It’s not a competition, but sometimes you just sit one down in ya, then you sit down in it, and you enjoy the second one more slowly for different reasons, ya cunt. 1 year ago
It’s the male form of queef. 1 year ago
You havent truly lived unles youve farted through your dick hole