- Comment on King shit 1 year ago:
Too many people treat drinking like it's some kind of contest imho - like, if you don't enjoy the flavor, then why drink it, and if you do, then why ... ah... quaff it?
- Comment on King shit 1 year ago:
He was...thirsty
- Comment on King shit 1 year ago:
Do I really want to know what "quaff" is?
he quaffed pint after pint of good, good juice.
No, methinks I doth prefer mine earlier ignorance. :-P
- Comment on Bonjour, je m'appelle Jesus 1 year ago:
"Midnight Mass" on Netflix, I'm just saying...
- Comment on Why'd they stopped making tv shows as good as x-files? 1 year ago:
I think a lot of shows are AWESOME, but then late-stage capitalistic enshittification happens and they become... far less so, and often quite TERRIBLE even, though ostensibly still have the same title, even though nowhere near being an identical show.
One super-good example is Stranger Things, where the first season was really quite good! So many homages to nerd culture like E.T. and D&D - it was fantastic!:-) As I read though, the pair of creators had 2 rules: never use CGI, and absolutely do not "sell out", i.e. a story should want to be told, not sold merely for the sake of cash. So after the first season where they made it b/c of their love for the craft, you can guess how the subsequent seasons played out (I believe one of the pair even quit over it).
Arguably a better example is The Walking Dead - it started off REALLY good, but then... well... it too "sold out". Actually I keep trying to force myself to get through it, I even started watching it over again from the start (a couple times now) thinking that would help, but have yet to accomplish this feat.
Another is Designated Survivor. It had some big-name actors, most of whom quit (I think the show was sold to a different network... or something?), and the last season was just terrible, limping along before they finally put it out of its misery and ended it.
The really fantastic shows - like Star Trek - had to prove themselves, then the creators were given leeway to subsequently make great sequels and spin-offs and even entirely unrelated titles. Fun story: Gene Roddenberry even created shows after his death, as his wife took his unfinished notes and lead their creation under his vision, like Earth: Final Conflict.
TLDR: why offer you a good show when they can offer you a crappy show that they made for a tenth of the price, yet charge you the full amount?
(though stupidly enough, they also seem to be trying to offer us even more terrible shows that cost 50x the price to make, and yet somehow suck all the more for that!? anyway it all seems to be based on greed + arrogance - they want to make money, but they do not want to put in the effort to actually earn it, e.g. by paying the actors a decent wage)
- Comment on Yes 1 year ago:
Joke's on them - I got stupider all on my own, didn't have to go nowhere or nuthin. :-P
- Comment on How does ears work? 1 year ago:
B...b...but are you saying that you could not love such a homely creature?
Actually, I jest but if you had like a barn it could still catch mice, plus would scare away any human "visitors" really quick! :-P
- Comment on How does ears work? 1 year ago:
Principle of equivalent exchange, check:-)
- Comment on How does ears work? 1 year ago:
Well that escalated quickly!
I would love to see where it would go forward from there, but our puny human minds surely could not handle the Eldritch strangeness that would entail... (or rather, we could only do it once, then go insane forever afterwards - sign me up!:-P)
- Comment on How does ears work? 1 year ago:
fallen angels, ftfy :-P
- Comment on A cargo plane flew 50 miles with no pilot onboard using a semi-automated system. An aviation expert says the technology could address the pilot shortage. 1 year ago:
There is no possibility of this ever causing negative effects of any kind, certainly it will not ever be misused (like one pilot being pressured into flying 5 planes at once bc... profit).
- Elon Musk, probably
- Comment on And I will die on this hill. 1 year ago:
Since when have they not? (Though the reverse is not true.)
- Comment on I've been working on 3 new looks for the family dinner this weekend... 1 year ago:
How did you manage to not include ANY Jeffrey Combs?!
/s btw, I've just been thinking that for several posts, and all the comments here, and saw an opportunity to say it:-P
- Comment on On the tenth day of Trek-mas, 1 year ago:
Only EIGHT cups of coffee!? Well look at Janeway, donating an hour of her busy morning I guess.
- Comment on Coincidence?! 1 year ago:
Why... is there oil there? :-P
- Comment on On the ninth day of Trek-mas, 1 year ago:
De-cloaking warbirds would have a much greater impact (on your shields:-).
- Comment on Wholesome 1 year ago:
Thank you for that compliment in return!:-P
- Comment on Why would someone openly say that they oppose human rights? 1 year ago:
There have always been such (it is human nature) - but right now they feel bold enough to speak and act, whereas previously they had been too afraid and embarrassed to do so publicly.
In South Carolina, various KKK-like groups said in advance that they wanted to kill people, wrapped barbed wire around baseball bats (in order to better kill people with), showed up to kill people, then actually killed people, then bragged about having killed people... Oh right, but the other side was not successful in securing a permit for their peaceful protest, so you know, there are "many sides" to every issue I guess.
Misinformation/brainwashing techniques are powerful. Like if you believed that a particular type of human was the root of all evil in this world, then you SHOULD want them dead, under those circumstances... right? You do not bc you know better, not just about that one group but more fundamentally that it is ideas that bring about evil, not people. But the people killing people do not know that, and it is to the advantage of others who seek power, and want to use the army of sheeple to advance their own agenda, for those sheeple to not know that either.
- Comment on Burgers 1 year ago:
Take my angry upvote you monster!:-P
- Comment on Vulcan's can't lie 1 year ago:
I thought the light was the friends we made along the way... :-P
- Comment on Wholesome 1 year ago:
Worst. Ferengi. Ever.
(Quite a compliment if you ask me:-P)
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I literally cannot recall the last time I downvoted something here...
But also people tend to be far more friendly here, or at least reasonable. Except for the outright trolls who I simply block and move on (on Reddit there were simply too many to count - basically every post and even comment I would just come to expect it almost guaranteed). I am on Kbin btw so probably a lot of the worst instances on Lemmy are already blocked for me.:-)
- Comment on Yum.. 1 year ago:
Next I wanna see Rawoman noodles!
- Comment on If so-called AI is basically just Large Language Models, how come predictive text on my phone is bollock-useless? 1 year ago:
Think of it from the LLM's perspective - in the general pool you have common English, you have less common variations such as this, and then you have whatever the heck people like Kid Rock are doing...
Bawitdaba, da bang, da dang diggy diggy
Diggy, said the boogie, said up jump the boogie - Comment on When is it okay to drop out of college? 1 year ago:
People have covered most of the bases here. The hardest part is that if you don't go back soon, you will find that door is closed to you - at least to finish what you started, without having to start mostly over again. College can definitely be worthwhile, but whether it is worthwhile TO YOU is the issue. Also, once you get used to receiving a paycheck and not living on like Ramen... it is next to impossible to go back to being poor and spending every waking moment (and beyond) studying, especially for some undefinable end goal. But on the other hand, I've seen it done with like 15-year gaps in-between dropping out, joining the army/navy/whatever and then going back to finish up. Definitely think through all the angles here, b/c you don't want to do anything that you will regret later - including wasting more time chasing something that you don't really want to begin with.
- Comment on according to my advent calender the 2nd december is a good day to die 1 year ago:
They never say that bc every day is a good day to die.
- Comment on Japanese chip flavors 1 year ago:
Why does this entice me so, to say this?:
In mudder Russia, Doritos eat you!
- Comment on Japanese chip flavors 1 year ago:
Ngl, it somehow captured the spirit of Doritos quite nicely IMHO.:-)
- Comment on Average Lemmy Active Users by Month 1 year ago:
I hear that, but also...
Well, I was doing the same, but noticed that even in the niche subs, the conversations seemed to be getting more and more... juvenile? Like prior to the Snoopacolypse (as you called it, and I love it! The term not the event in case that needs any clarification:-P), it was a point of pride for me that I had never blocked anyone in my life - whereas now I don't think twice before doing that bc who has time to waste on someone not engaging in good faith!? Especially if they lack enough self awareness to even realize that fact about themselves while they are doing it. (Tbf, possibly watching Innuendo Studios' analysis of GamerGate that uses many tactics of the Alt Right in America had something to do with my changing views as well:-).
Ymmv ofc, bc different subs means entirely different people & thus experiences interacting with them, but I'm just saying that rather than stick with the subset of that community that remained after Rexit, I eventually just find myself going or even wanting to go there less and less, instead enjoying engaging here more, even at the expense of not being able to talk about those matters. I haven't posted there for months, nor even commented for a month, and barely go once a week to read. Bc I use Kbin and the mobile browser experience here is so horrible to write a comment, I find myself not commenting here often either - but when I do I have much more fun doing so, not having to be anywhere near as defensive as that other place that shall not be named.
I hope you find something that works best for you as well, wherever that may be.
- Comment on Ferengi Development 1 year ago:
Regular v. Budget Ferengi.:-P