And at least one where this post wasn’t made. 1 year ago
if there are an infinite amount of multiverses, logically, there must be many in which you do not exist. 1 year ago
Those are the lucky universes. 1 year ago
Not necessarily. You could be the one constant throughout them all for whatever reason and it wouldn’t put any damper on there being an infinite number of universes. That’s the whole point of OPs example; infinity can still be bound by limits. 1 year ago
such as there being no constants? 1 year ago
We can’t really know what’s possible I suppose, it’s more that there’s sort of different “levels” of infinity where one level can contain another within itself, but both are still infinite just the same. When people imagine infinity they picture everything, but it doesn’t need to be.
Hilbert’s hotel is a good example that illustrates how infinities are weird.