No, that possibility is why you’re not on the hook for it. An ip address is not enough to prove what person did it.
Comment on Wi-Fi 7 Signals the Industry’s New Priority: Stability 1 year agoAnd not to mention liability issues if you share a network like that with neighbors. If they start doing illegal stuff while connected to your router, you are on the hook for it. 1 year ago 1 year ago…/wi-fi-network-criminal-liability…
If you knowingly share your connection with someone else and then they go on to do illegal activities with it, you can be held liable. 1 year ago
That article doesn’t actually cite any legal precedent for someone being held liable, just a case in 2011 where the guy was found not guilty. It just says you could possibly be liable.
It would be like charging the ISP because someone did illegal stuff. 1 year ago
I have to imagine that on routers where the ISP offers a parallel portal through your gear, they isolate the other user’s traffic from your home network and will trace any illegal activity back to that particular subscriber. 1 year ago
Who needs a VPN when I can just use my neighbor’s hotspot to torrent and let them get the DMCA notices!