I’m super old
Same here; I just never had Quake 2 as a kid lol
Comment on Playing Quake for the Story (A Franchise Retrospective)
echo64@lemmy.world 1 year agoI’m super old and so can for a moment be a little bit helpful. Quake 2 wasn’t all that special when it was new, and it was mostly glossed over because games like Unreal and Half-Life were well on the horizon, Duke 3D had shown what we can do with environmental level design a year earlier and it was sharing the shooter stage with games like Blood, Dark Forces II and Goldeneye 64
Quake was special because it was a technological showcase, but Quake 2 was just another game in a sea of great experiences, that struggled to find its own voice.
I’m super old
Same here; I just never had Quake 2 as a kid lol
Quake 2 had that stupid recoil for the automatic riffle. Duke 3D was the first FPS with reloading I’m aware of (the basic handgun).
Thaaat was it. Yeah.
Nope, no reloading in Quake 2. Goldeneye had it though
GraniteM@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Hot damn, but I loved Blood. Duke Nukem for H. P. Lovecraft dorks!