using the technology along a rural stretch of Florida highway where the software isn’t supposed to be deployed.
Idiot drivers do idiot things, hardly unique to Tesla drivers. The whole autopilot feature-set is pretty clearly marked as beta on the screen with a clear warning, that you have to acknowledge to enable, that it is considered a beta-feature and that you should be attentive when using it.
I agree that the FSD feature-set is advertised with capabilities it in no way possesses, but everyone seems to forget that autopilot and FSD are two separate things. Autopilot is only TACC+Lane-Assist and isn’t advertised as a fully self driving technology. 1 year ago
This case went to trial already and the jury sided with Tesla because the driver was holding his foot on the accelerator to override cruise control, ignored the vehicles warnings, drove through numerous flashing lights, crashed through a stop sign, and then hit the couple, later stating “I expect to be the driver and be responsible for this… I was highly aware that was still my responsibility to operate the vehicle safely." Any vehicle is capable of doing this with a reckless driver behind the wheel. 1 year ago
You may be confused, there’s a lot of Tesla court cases to keep track of tho, I should have been specific.…/tesla-fights-autopilot-false-ad… 1 year ago
You may be confused as I’m referring to the case from Angulo who was being quoted in the above comment.