They aren’t sustainable because they are de-orbiting but they’re also supposed to be low-cost and high speed.
If the prices aren’t low-cost, and the speeds continue to decrease, it’s entire purpose is defeated.
Comment on Starlink loses out on $886 million in rural broadband subsidies 1 year agoEh, starlink at least works by all accounts. I guess the jury is still out if it’s sustainable as a business because the satellites are deorbiting like crazy.
They aren’t sustainable because they are de-orbiting but they’re also supposed to be low-cost and high speed.
If the prices aren’t low-cost, and the speeds continue to decrease, it’s entire purpose is defeated. 1 year ago
If your business plan involves firing out infinite rockets full of cell towers forever. You should probably just spend the money on copper instead. 1 year ago
I don’t think you quite understand just how remote some people are. Besides, Starlink is also being used on vessels and aircraft, good luck getting copper out to them.
Also, fibre optic is how the cool people Internet these days. 1 year ago
I don’t think you understand that a lot of copper is still less than infinite rockets forever 1 year ago
This is the kind of dumb statement that really gives this platform a bad name. I know people who were quoted a six figure sum to get mains power to their property, fibre would have been a similar cost. And this is people who are at a fixed location, we also have those who are mobile to consider.
There are people for whom a wired connection to anything is out of the question. 1 year ago
Still doesn’t help ahips 1 year ago
A lot of glass is much better than a lot of copper. 1 year ago
This makes zero sense. If that was profitable it would have been done already. 1 year ago
It’s not, neither is starlink. That’s the whole point. You have two things, you can either launch infinite rockets forever or lay some infrastructure that we can benefit from forever.
Why America chooses not to lay infrastructure is beyond me. More so why Americans justify it so often. This shit is why America doesn’t have trains. 1 year ago
The fact that you’re talk about laying copper for Internet access shows just how little you know. 1 year ago
Preach the truth brother. The single most effective way to spread more internet is more cable and towers. 1 year ago
Bundle it all together! We have tons of electrical that should be moved underground. Throw internet lines into that pool too and put it all under the ground and run the network cables everywhere the power goes.