The water coolers never came here organically. The communities exist here, but the bots are forwarding the articles from Reddit, the moderators are meta moderators of 50 different communities that sprung up on the first migration happened. Trying to actually hold conversations in most of the communities you’re just screaming into the void.
Then there’s the problem of the community existing in six different nodes each with four life humans in them.
A lot of the niche communities haven’t hit the user density required for self-sustaining discourse.
Then of course when you do start to get a community with a couple dozen active people moderation starts demanding tags and strict rules. I mean it’s good to get out ahead of things if you can, but if you only have a couple dozen active users don’t run them off. 1 year ago
I don’t usually want to contribute my own opinion. I just want to read other people’s and silently judge them if they disagree with me. 1 year ago
This is the way.
Also it helps to get super highly up voted opinions and then recycle them for my friends so they think I’m more insightful/smarter than i am.