- Comment on Round 2 🚢 11 months ago:
Nah, you were trying to shit on something and point out flaws with a hypothetical product wihout even bothering to read about it. You got called out on talking shite - don’t take the hump.
- Comment on Round 2 🚢 11 months ago:
A moon pool or a regular one?
Just a regular one, but I imagine they’ll add one if you ask for it.
- Comment on Round 2 🚢 11 months ago:
That just means you’re commenting on something without knowing anything about it, and so far everything you’ve commented has been incorrect?
It comes with two boats, jetskis, a helipad, and the ability to surface. You’re not trapped in a hotel with no windows. It’s not pitch black. You have ways to leave. It would have taken less time to learn this by reading the article than it would have taken to type this bollocks.
- Comment on Round 2 🚢 11 months ago:
Not pitch black until > 800m.
- Comment on Round 2 🚢 11 months ago:
Not so. You should really look at the info before commenting lol.
“It’s got no windows!” - there are windows pretty clearly visible in the picture.
“There’s no light down there!” - it tops out at 250m, light reaches about 800m.
- Comment on Round 2 🚢 11 months ago:
It has windows.
Clarification: the bogus AI images they’ve got have windows in the viewing gallery. It’s all bullshit though - it features the images from SAFE that are allso bullshit but keep poping up in various articles, notbaly the MRI room.
- Comment on Round 2 🚢 11 months ago:
Length overall: 165.8 m Beam: 23.0 m Draft: 8.6 m Range: approx. 15.000 km Submerged duration: approx. 4 weeks Depth: approx. 250 m
It even has a pool inside it!
- Comment on Dishwasher guide: salt will harm the stainless steel lining. What about salt water in stainless steel pots? 1 year ago:
Maybe try cleaning your dishes after using them. Whatever you copy paste from articles it seems pretty obvious that leaving out food waste to reuse it is a pretty bad idea.
- Comment on Dishwasher guide: salt will harm the stainless steel lining. What about salt water in stainless steel pots? 1 year ago:
So you thought leaving food waste in brine was safe because it would only kill the bad bacteria?
- Comment on Dishwasher guide: salt will harm the stainless steel lining. What about salt water in stainless steel pots? 1 year ago:
Life started in the ocean, so logically this makes no sense.
- Comment on Discord is laying off 17 percent of employees 1 year ago:
I pay for it.
The cost is worth the extra quality when working with others over screenshare etc. The community management features are useful. A large portion of my workflow is aided by discord and GitHub, both of whi h I pay for premium features.
I don’t expect them to provide these services for free considering the huge boost they give to productivity. Expecting them to be free is naive.
- Comment on People who order "a decaff coffee with an extra shot" - why? 1 year ago:
People out there making coffe with something other than water as a base? I’m so fucking confused.
Grind beans, pass through water = coffee.
Are people passing hot milk through it? That must be a pain to clean out the machine.
- Comment on xkcd #2869: Puzzles 1 year ago:
I just hope it gets the same treatment that Stargate got, with a spin-off series to really explore the interesting ideas raised in an otherwise terrible movie
- Comment on xkcd #2869: Puzzles 1 year ago:
Moonfall is a masterpiece and I won’t hear a bad word said against it!
- Comment on Hackers steal NFTs worth millions. In other news, NFTs worth millions. 1 year ago:
You can in fact insure things that it is possible to steal. Cars, bikes, household posessions, you name it. It’s quite common.
- Comment on Poor video playback quality on Kodi 1 year ago:
Streaming usage per person is available via one of the stats plugins, but it is admittedly crude and missing some info (such as bandwidth used).
I’m using the android app without issues, which didn’t require side loading, but my experience with other platforms is zero.
- Comment on What happens now? 1 year ago:
This seems like the cost of a game that they are unable to charge op for. Do you feel like they are not entitled to the money owed?
They could have just removed the game from the account, at least this way op is alerted of the issue and given a chance to correct it without an interruption to his entertainment.
- Comment on Reddit now blocks signed out VPN connections. 1 year ago:
I don’t usually want to contribute my own opinion. I just want to read other people’s and silently judge them if they disagree with me.
- Comment on Microsoft’s Windows Hello fingerprint authentication has been bypassed 1 year ago:
This is why I use Linux, the fingerprint device wouldn’t be supported so this wouldn’t be an issue /s
- Comment on Choose wisely! 1 year ago:
Only if you’re less than 7 inches across in the direction you’re teleporting. This is only useful for the super-skinny, otherwise you’re going to splinch yourself into a wall.
- Comment on Choose wisely! 1 year ago:
You can make a toaster do anything a toaster can do. It can’t clean your house or fly, because it’s a toaster.