Same boat as you, it at least helped me a bit. 1 year ago
I know this but I still don’t understand it. I started visiting a chiropractor for my first time last year and I’m old. I couldn’t sit for a week. I couldn’t get my socks on. I couldn’t lay in any position in bed except on my back. I went, and I was immediately 80-90% better. Had to do followups for about 6 weeks and I haven’t been back 😂.
I don’t understand why they aren’t.
Of course core strengthening is always better but that’s preventative. 1 year ago 1 year ago
OP is just spouting misinformation that was/is spammed on Reddit for years with nothing concrete to back them up. 1 year ago
Ya! OP is just hiding behind this Wikipedia article on chiropractors loaded with all those so-called “sources” from scientific journals. I bet she doesn’t even have a nice story about a time she went to a chiropractor and felt better. 1 year ago
If you read long enough, you’ll realize that all these studies essentially suggest whatever idea they are trying to promote. Often it is with bias.
The takeaway is that you should not just blanket ban a whole profession just because someone says they aren’t a doctor. That’s nonsense. There are way more factors than that. 1 year ago
it’s a temporary fix. A patch up. If you don’t focus on proper posture and stretching excersizes, it’s very likely you could end up in that same situation again 1 year ago
This is what I am saying. Maybe I wasn’t clear.