Gates at least does something. Yea all rich people charities are tax evasion schemes, but at least he does something. Musk kills turtles and strokes his rocket to it.
Comment on Microchips 1 year ago
Gates is just as evil as Musk, he is just better at it. Gates played a pivotal role in making sure the vaccine’s stayed under patent. Even when when American farma didn’t have the capacity to produce enough, and Indian factories had over capacity. The irony is that he did this using his position in the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, that tells you all you need to know about billionaire charity. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Yes, he’s working hard on prioritzing profits over people even harder in the medical industry. 1 year ago
The only thing Gates does is use his foundation to avoid taxes. He’s not any better than other billionaires. The entirety of billionaire philanthropy is a massive lie. 1 year ago
No, he does do stuff. I already said about their charities, and you tell me of like i know nothing. I also know about his boat and planes.
I said that he, unlike all the other rich cunts, does something. Do you see the nuance in my words ? Do i need to both italize and bold it for you ? 1 year ago
So Mr gates is special because… he’s your special favorite guy? Because last time I checked almost all billionaires give to charities and foundations. /Something/ is not anything just because you declare it, no matter how hard you emphasize it. There is absolutely nothing unique or special about his giving versus anyone else’s. You’re really acting like he’s the only rich pedo to ever start a 501c3. Gates shills sure out hard today. 1 year ago
Inside any important philanthropy meeting, you witness heads of state meeting with investment managers and corporate leaders. **All are searching for answers with their right hand to problems that others in the room have created with their left. ** ― Peter Buffett, the son of Warren Buffett 1 year ago
Charity just means your special interest gets what would otherwise be tax dollars. 1 year ago
It’s worse then that for the very rich. Their “charities” are made up of their friends and family, and the money eventually circles back to them. It’s literally tax evasion. 1 year ago
Yeah, like being on Epstein’s island. 1 year ago
I’m sorry but Musk’s rockets are probably the most environmentally friendly. There was the dust cloud in orbital flight test 1 but it’s definitely not as bad as some other launches. 1 year ago
No clue why you’re being down voted. Youre right.
Gates chose to patent life saving medicine during a global pandemic.
The consequences of that decision are essentially withholding lifesaving medicine because it makes him more money. 1 year ago
Which vaccine did he patent? As far as I remember he only spoke out for not lifting ongoing patents on the vaccines, and then revered course as criticism grew bigger. 1 year ago
Even before any of the vaccines were finished, there were plans to not grant them any patent protection so they can be produced and distributed as widely as possible. Gates and his foundation lobbied hard against that and instead came up with the bullshit plan to have rich countries buy vaccines for poor countries, which helped no one but the insane profits of the pharma companies. In the case of the vaccine developed with public funding by the Oxford University, Gates actively talked them out of releasing it with an open license, so they sold it to AstraZeneca instead.…/opinion-the-world-loses-under-bill-ga… 1 year ago