given the lack of longevity of every nickel battery I’ve tried on the past couple of decades
Early Ni-CADs and NIMHs I agree with that assessment. However for low duty cycle applications the 3rd and 4th gen Eneloop type technology NIMHs perform very well for me. I’ve got about 20 operational cells I purchased in 2011 from an original batch of 30.
This isn’t my data, but my anecdotal experience matches this: 1 year ago
This is true, but at the default 500 mAh charge rate it seems unlikely that much heat will be generated? Worst case of 100% of input voltage getting converted to heat would be 700mW or so of energy needing to get dissipated per cell. 1 year ago
Yeah, the big cells can handle that just fine. The charger would overheat first unless a cell is shorted, which only possible with NiMH/NiCd if the charger malfunctions or the battery is physically damaged. 1 year ago
The charger circuitry should be designed to avoid that issue entirely. 1 year ago
It’s not dangerous. It just degrades the batteries. 1 year ago
If “10,000 mAh” (if they’re half that I’ll be happy) batteries are heating while charging at 500mA odds are they’re not in great shape to begin with.