Because they’re not going to do that. You can’t call them terrorists and expect logical reasonable action or reaction.
The Palestinian people by in large did not vote Hamas in, over 50% of the people in Gaza were not alive during the last election.
Yet we’re not seeing calls for Hamas to step down and let innocent Palestinians live in some version of peace that can never be known under Islamic jihad…
Which I find very weird. The lack of conversation surrounding the admitted goals of the leaders of the Palestinian people is something that needs to be part of any conversation.
Because they’re not going to do that. You can’t call them terrorists and expect logical reasonable action or reaction.
The Palestinian people by in large did not vote Hamas in, over 50% of the people in Gaza were not alive during the last election.
Because they’re not going to do that. You can’t call them terrorists and expect logical reasonable action or reaction.
So we shouldn’t call them terrorists and hope they stop killing people? I’m sorry that doesn’t make any sense. Israel isn’t about to stop their war on Hamas, yet it doesn’t stop the world criticising them.
The Palestinian people by and large did not vote Hamas in, over 50% of the people in Gaza were not alive during the last election.
While technically true, almost 70% of Gazans support armed attacks on Israeli civilians.](…/Poll 89 English Full Text September 2…) I know it doesn’t fit the oppressor/oppressed narrative, but the vast majority of people in Gaza support what Hamas is doing. If elections were held today, according to that same poll, they would vote Hamas back in.
It doesn’t make sense no, it’s also not at all what I said but neat projection.
That’s an opinion poll for a population that generally do not answer and those that do answer have to think about how that might get out and what extremists might do about that.
Excuse the tangent but you made me look it up. >50% of Americans weren’t eligible to vote in 2000 but apparently I need to answer for the Iraq War for the rest of my friggin’ life like that was my personal decision.
Hamas is a jihadist organization though…
If they don’t represent the majority maybe they should hold elections and let a party that represents the majority take the lead?
Sure, and Israel is a Zionist nation what’s your point.
Yes the terrorist organization is going to relinquish control… Yeah.
I don’t see why this matters at all when Hamas wont allow elections and is an authoritarian government.
That’s quite literally the point.
It doesn’t matter that they didn’t vote for Hamas because it was not possible and will never be possible. Why is that the point?
To me, this seems exactly like the other guys point. 1 year ago
It’s a false dichotomy to condition ceasing the extermination of a whole innocent population to protests towards a terrorist organization. Israel does not need to bomb several hospitals to stop Hamas. There are other ways to go about stopping terrorists.
Maybe you don’t see many calls at Hamas because people are catching up with how wholesale persecution and extermination of people is often justified by pointing to a few malicious individuals that are part of that population. 1 year ago
There’s no extermination. Quit getting your talking points from Tiktok and Twitter. 1 year ago
Do you have anything but dismissive snark or are you going to pretend continuous bombing of civilian buildings is some sort of surgical targeted action. 1 year ago
They can fuck off to any other 20 Arab/Muslim countries. How many other Jewish countries are there? 1 year ago
Oh yeah, somebody goes to you and tells you to move to diffent country or they’ll drop a bomb on you and your family, I’m sure you’ll happy to comply. Whatever religion and ethnicity you are, I’m sure you can just go anywhere vaguely similar and know everyone on a first-name basis.
This is neither a matter of handing the whole region exclusively to palestinians or to israelis. Justifying it because “there are other arab/muslim countries” is such a frankly childish way to justify a conflict as serious as this. Needing to say this is almost ridiculous, but a region doesn’t need to be populated by only a single kind of people. 1 year ago
How do you know this? Are you an expert in counter-terrorism? 1 year ago
I am not stupid and I’m capable of empathy. Really, do you need a reason to understand that bombing hospitals full of innocent civilians is a horrible thing?
I also know enough recent history to have some inkling that widespread bombing might not be that effective at stopping a terrorist movies. Say, like US wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. 1 year ago
A thing might be at the same time a horrible and a necessary thing.