So, there’s a base minimum fine for things, but the actual fine beyond that is based on the income of the person who received it. You earn more beyond a certain amount, you pay more sort of thing.
It actually makes fines useful as a deterrent for the rich instead of a price-of-entry, though I’m of the opinion that anyone who makes above a certain amount who would earn a fine should earn jail time instead. 1 year ago
The court sentences a person to say 28 day fines based on the severity of the crime, the day fine’s value is determined by the income of the person sentenced.
So a rich guy will pay far more for the same infraction than a poor guy.
The system is meant to equalize the concequenses regardless of how much moneybyou have. 1 year ago
Thanks for the response.
I have always thought fines should be relative so this is a great way of doing it imo.