Does Firefox track addon installs? Currently shows 6,923,048 Users on the UBlock addon page, I wonder how they get that number and how often it updates.
Comment on YouTube’s Crackdown Spurs Record Uninstalls of Ad Blockers 1 year agoNot really. It seems to imply that people started to hop around trying to find one that worked. Not everyone is savvy enough or in tech groups to understand or even be aware of UBlock. Most people just install whatever based on how much they like the icon. UBlock themselves don’t feature in this article and they don’t publish their install numbers, I don’t think they even track them, so we don’t know. 1 year ago 1 year ago
And I’d prefer it staying that way. If uBlock becomes too big, Google will go after them directly and that would most likely end uBlock working on Google websites. 1 year ago
As far as I'm aware, ublock is the biggest. And there's zero chance Google isn't aware of them. They've been fighting ublock techniques directly for years, including recently for the YouTube detection. 1 year ago
The owners of Ublock, eyeo, are extensively quoted in the article, although ublock itself is only mentioned once as one of their holdings. 1 year ago
Uhh, no. Eyeo does not owns uBlock. Eyeo is AdBlock Plus? uBlock Origin is a Free Open Source Project developed by Raymond Hill. From their manifesto: “The uBO project does not support Adblock Plus’ “Acceptable Ads Manifesto” because the “Acceptable Ads” marketing campaign is the business plan of a for-profit entity.” 1 year ago
Yea that is very confusing, especially when UBO is often referred to as simply UBlock. Thanks for the info. 1 year ago
I swear the way IT people speak about non-IT people is so funny. You guys act like everyone is borderline retarded because they don't know intricate details of your hobby/career. Acting like you're a part of some other group that doesn't understand human beings and their attraction to shiny things. It's like watching an alien try to sneak into society. 1 year ago
Seems like the contempt goes both ways.