And crafting a carefully targeted phishing email took a human team around 16 hours, they wrote, while ChatGPT took just minutes
This is significant because any person with the desire to scam can use ChatGPT from the comfort of their own home over lunch instead of hiring professionals for a few days. 1 year ago
Yes, but being about the same means ChatGPT could be used to create massive amounts or personalized phishing emails at a low cost in a very short time by automation. Basically doing what they do now, but even faster. 1 year ago
And with better spelling and punctuation. 1 year ago
No, those 'mistakes' are part of the phishing tactic. It weeds out those that are paying too much attention to the details. 1 year ago
I can’t tell if this is a joke or not :| 1 year ago
Better spelling and punctuation is a bug, not a feature.
Bad spelling = people who miss those may be easy to fool. 1 year ago
I wonder how that would work. The last one I did some checking into had a bitcoin address and it (I really don’t understand Bitcoin well) looked like the person moved the fake money from account to account over and over again.