- Comment on Why'd they stopped making tv shows as good as x-files? 1 year ago:
I mean, I am not a huge fan of the show and didn't finish it. But the first season was stellar. But that aside, reading your other comments it seems like you don't like a lot of modern shows. Which is fine, but personally I find older stuff I watched when I was a girl just sorta meaningless. X files had so many skipable episodes without serving the overarching plot. I'm honestly kinda baffled that you would prefer monster of the week instead of expanse and breaking bad, but you are allowed to think as you please. Just seems at odd with two of the most higely praised shows of recent history.
And I don't super appreciate being called bro... >_>
- Comment on Why'd they stopped making tv shows as good as x-files? 1 year ago:
That's.... not what the poster was saying. Prestige TV extends much farther than the mafia genre, sopranos was just the turning point when higher budget dramatic things were more commonly greenlit.
The Wire, Breaking Bad, Watchmen, The Expanse Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Mad Men etc all absolutely blow X files out of the water. And while I do love X files, the monster of the week format is not even in the same ballpark as those long form character dramas.
I think you might be letting nostalgia blind you to how great television has become.
- Comment on It's 2023/2024 and Roseanne Barr is now more attractive than Madonna. 1 year ago:
Madonna spent years as a sex symbol, which absolutely takes time, effort and very consenious eating. Not to mention makeup, hair and fashion. What I see in her pic is a streamlined and simple to maintain look.
- Comment on What If: No Social Media Anonymity 1 year ago:
That it would drastically harm queer people and those questioning their identity. Social pressure, fear and shame keeps people from asking certain questions or exploring their desires when it's potentially tied to them for life.
Look at the while concept of "queer appropriation" by celebrities. Their entire life is public and ironically while feeling themselves out and experimenting with new presentations, it's ironically met with backlash from some queer people thinking it's a capitalist ploy to appeal to queer fans.
Being able to just ask questions and explore is a fundamental part of understanding yourself. Anonymity is a precious gift, but one that is also easy to take granted.
- Comment on Quentin Tarantino's 'Star Trek' Movie Would Have Been a "Balls-Out Hard R" Movie 1 year ago:
Either talk about the plot, set a production date or stop writing these nothing articles.
I mean, no duh Tarantino would do a Trek movie that has lots of blood. To be familiar with his name is to know that's his style. Just tired of years teasing how great something WOULD'VE BEEN but not saying why.
- Comment on The Insomniac Hack Reveals The Ugly Truth Of Video Game Hype - Aftermath 1 year ago:
It's either journalism, in which you talk about news that comes up. Or it's being a freelance PR for publishers saying what they want, when they want in order to keep in the embargo ecosystem. Game """news""" sites like IGN aren't, never have and never wkll be actual journalistisc outleets, their hype machine.
If the Pentagon papers can be published, then so can a game companies production schedule. 😂
- Comment on It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. 1 year ago:
Honestly I think the pan, mask and the glasses are kind of a curse? How would I ever know if people actually like ME or just the glasses? All of my relationships would require keeping the glasses on, that's just stressful! How would I enjoy the taste of food or ever try new meals if it's always great? I'd just make the same thing over and over while being content, not actually happy. And if I sleep only an hour a day that's just gonna put me out of sync with the world and lead to loneliness.
The long cool down on the penny is honestly it's best feature, gives you room to still live your life.
- Comment on It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. 1 year ago:
I can cook, sleep and shower myself. And I don't need to run or to have people like me anymore than they do.
So lucky penny and then only using a stock market app every two weeks please!
- Comment on Netflix developing over 10 games in-house currently 1 year ago:
Orly?! I had no idea! And also... no interest in actually looking into those games or buying Netflix again.
Thanks for the clarification! ♥ 💕
- Comment on Netflix developing over 10 games in-house currently 1 year ago:
Wait, what?! 😂 Okay, so is this gonna be a cloud based thing, because how stadia was so successfull? Or are these going to be downloaded apps? Or just stand alone choose your own adventure like black mirrors bandersnatch thing.
I'm genuinely so confused what this means or will eventually look like.
- Comment on Tesla recalls 2 million cars with ‘insufficient’ Autopilot safety controls 1 year ago:
Tesla full self driving is no where close to ready and actively dangerous to any one around it, including and especially the occupants.
But the autopilot is pretty convient and useful. I wish they would stop calling these patches "recalls", it's turning the term meaningless.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I blame 50% William Gibson, and 50% Ridley Scott.
- Comment on Godlike 1 year ago:
Not even a little! You have a wonderful evening friend. ♥ 💕
- Comment on Godlike 1 year ago:
Oh absolutely, this is a serious problem for some! I've read enough boar attack stories to know they are a legitimate threat. Cougar and wolf attacks are more common in my area, albeit rare overall. But all three animals are all very different than dogs, cats and pigs. Common ancestors sure, but absolutely very different today.
Of course every human has the right to defend themslevss from animal attack. That's just a very different equation than buying bacon at the super market while ignoring the suffering of a pig that never left it's factory farm.
- Comment on makes sense 1 year ago:
Fake for any of those wondering.
But keeping employees based on how many lines of code they have written, which he did, is essentially the same logic.
- Comment on Godlike 1 year ago:
Beat ya to it. 😉
- Comment on Godlike 1 year ago:
People have actually said this in full seriousness after seeing my username. Preemptive revenge killing against hypothetical pig attacks is apparently self defense.
It is such odd... "logic", clearly working backwards from the point they want to arrive at.
- Comment on Serious question guys 1 year ago:
I don't give a dish.
- Comment on Pony Island 2: Panda Circus - Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
Oh HECK yea!
Mullins has a wonderful style and consistently puts out wonderful clever experiences.
- Comment on Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake announced 1 year ago:
Co-op would defeat the entire purpose of the game.
- Comment on The fact that there's a lady out there named Stephanie who insisted the whole world call her Lady Gaga and we're all just like, "okay." 1 year ago:
Writers use pen names too. I'm kinda confused why OP even thinks this is notable?
- Comment on Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits to Their Friends and Family 1 year ago:
Awww. Well we all have our blind spots, and unfortunately this is a common one. But I do appreciate you acknowledgment and response. You stay wonderful! ♥ 💕
- Comment on Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits to Their Friends and Family 1 year ago:
Said like a straight person who has never been shamed for their preferences. 🙄
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I’m not using my normal account because my kid knows my main account
This makes zero sense if you are using both accounts in this thread.
Roseanne Barr
without getting into politics
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
There is literally nothing political about being trans. Just like there is nothing political about being a woman, being black or being gay.
The only politics is the people that want to limit the choices and freedoms of those (and others) . If you see trans people talking about what helped them as "political" then you are stuck in culture war BS.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
OP dis you change accounts?
- Comment on Real Love 1 year ago:
I truly AM great at parties.
lol personal insults means you know your argument sucks
Seitan pigs in a blanket are flippin' great. I literally serve that at parties. 😂
- Comment on Real Love 1 year ago:
Are you telling me that you eatpork as some sort of... hypothetical revenge? Because even in a hypothetical universe where pigs are top of the food chain, it would still be wrong to imprison and kill them.
Which is why doing this to tiger/lion/bear is also wrong. Weird gotcha.
- Comment on Real Love 1 year ago:
- Comment on Real Love 1 year ago:
A pig didn't say they would die for you. It was murdered against its will and then you paid the killer to kill more.