Comment on Using sustainable aviation fuels could reduce emissions by up to 80%, scientists find ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

This is a huuuge load of crap. Nowhere does this clearly say that CO2 emissions are cut by 80%, just “ultrafine black carbon” which is a pollutant more than a greenhouse gas. Aviations worst impact is by far the greenhouse gases.

The “sustainable fuel” that is so mysteriously alluded to, turns out to be made from “renewable biomass”. Plant-basid fuels have been around for a while, usually as a greenwashing stunt by industries that consume a lot of fossil fuels. The amount of farmland needed to produce even a small fraction of what’s needed in aviation is astronomical. Approaching 9 billion eaters, we can’t afford to make food vs fuel a debate (again).

This whole article reads like it was written by the aviation company that paid for the research in the first place. This isn’t science, it’s propaganda.
