Comment on Working class deserting Tories in droves under Rishi Sunak, poll finds ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Ever since I became politically aware, as opposed to just voting for whoever my parents voted (always conservative), I’ve pondered why exactly, do working class people ever vote Tory.

I’m working class, I know almost entirely working class people, and none of them are as racist and thick as you’d imagine they need to be to vote Tory, and yet, we’ve been saddled with these venal fucks for 13 years so far.

I guess it all comes down to ‘knowing your place’, and the endless propaganda from the Sun and Mail, about how the Conservatives can be trusted to know what’s best for you, and most people just don’t care. Or they think that “they’re all the bloody same”, so just keep voting for what they know.

But when you examine Conservative governmental history, and the promises they make and break over and over again, there’s literally no good reason for anyone without any real capital to vote for them. Their stance on the environment will kill us all, they don’t actually want us to have access to free (at the point of use) healthcare, they don’t care that every single one of the formerly publicly owned services now cost us significantly more to use, and they don’t give a shit that the cost of, well, everything is skyrocketing. They say they care, but their record shows otherwise. Every time.

I try to talk politics with my dad and my mother-in-law, but ultimately it comes down to “well, Labour wouldn’t be any better”, and then they shut down. Then they go away and vote Tory again.

And I honestly can’t work it out.
