- Comment on What's new in the Huge New ‘Starfield’ Patch 9 months ago:
looked at ship/base customization but what I really want is an easy mode for bases. im just not into building them but I want them.
- Comment on Consumers are so demoralized by inflation and high rates they've given up on saving for the American Dream and are spending money instead, economist says 9 months ago:
way I always heard it is to fight inflation they increase interest which is supposed to encourage people to save the money rather than spend it thus lowering inflationary pressures in addition to interest capturing dollars that become unavailable for purchasing.
- Comment on Consumers are so demoralized by inflation and high rates they've given up on saving for the American Dream and are spending money instead, economist says 9 months ago:
especially when things like food are the things going up. Just noticed this weekend that four things of tortillas was the same price as pair of frying pans.
- Comment on Consumers are so demoralized by inflation and high rates they've given up on saving for the American Dream and are spending money instead, economist says 9 months ago:
ironic given the idea behind increased interest rates is to encourage saving.
- Comment on Netris is an open-source cloud gaming platform with Stadia-like features using Proton 9 months ago:
there is nothing wrong with the blockchain. cryptos main problem is the proof of work using to much energy. blockchain to actually do work with the energy it uses efficiently is great.
- Comment on The Mac vs. PC war is back on? 9 months ago:
Im talking about the time when mac enthusiasts would brag about how many more ports a macbook had over a windows laptop. I use the term just because when they went minimalist design coincided when the apple store started acutally said they would not deal with something which was the cable losing their casing which did end up being a design issue so they handled it later but previous to that they would never not do something unless it was obvious you took a hammer to it or something. my last mac was the macbook pro erra with the dvd-i port.
- Comment on The Mac vs. PC war is back on? 9 months ago:
I loved macs back when it was more maximalist design and its service was beyond reproach. anyone buying a pc might be installing linux on it. not that many vendors specific to linux.
- Comment on According to the Federal Reserve Americans owe over $1.6 trillion in student loan debt, with the average borrower owing $37,667 9 months ago:
im suprised the average is so low. I wonder if thats because there are a bunch who only took out small loans???
- Comment on Romance author gets locked out of Google Docs for “inappropriate” content 9 months ago:
thanks. as a lazy person who just wants content from the forum direct you are my savior.
- Comment on I this a firm and polite way to tell an opinionated coworker to stop pushing his agenda I don't care about? 9 months ago:
Its hard to say without knowing your restrictions at work. In an open office I would grab my laptop and go work somewhere else. I assume you can't do that? If I could not do that can I wear headphones and listen to music while I work? If not that can I wear ear plugs? I find ear plug ignoring the person becomes aware you really can't hear them and eventually they try to get your attention then you pull it out and say sorry you use these to help your concentration. im not sure after that this is a social situation that you sorta figure out as you are there so all I got is possible physical space hacks. Oh if you have any phone calls or meetings always apologize and say your coworker talks a lot.
- Comment on Deactivating Facebook for just a few weeks reduces belief in fake news 9 months ago:
Meh. I have facebook but don't really use it much. my condo has a page so its like a semi public chat and sometimes have communication with folks. Certainly never use the feed though and I hate checking it every few weeks. I certainly don't want anyone im connected to to think they will get a faster response if they hit me up there. I bet other things besides facebook spreads bs though. I see it with youtube users. I use youtube but I don't really chase my feed.
- Comment on US races to develop AI-powered, GPS-free fighter jets, outpacing China 9 months ago:
I worked in a place where the machine room had a network time device that connected to an attena getting gps reading to give time to all the other hosts. Im pretty sure any ntp server a host has configured is only a hop or two away from a device like this.
- Comment on The cost-of-living crisis is so bleak that some Gen Zers genuinely fear becoming homeless 9 months ago:
I think the thing here to is we are talking typical ones. Not like someone who is screwing around in life. Im an Xer so like I did not have the option of the house with 2 cars in the suburbs thing I grew up on as "normal" or at least the cash to have an eqivalent expense wise. I have done very well. So I have a place but I know peers in rediculous situations that are a hairsbreath from homeless. For millenials and gen z this is moving to the mainstream and the whole suburban fantasy family is not something they were barely not able to achieve but is a crazy pipe dream. and I just can't imagine what the next gen is going to face.
- Comment on "Nuisance begging" and rough sleeping as soon to be illegal 9 months ago:
what. you want them to raise taxes just to do better water source management. Preposterous!
- Comment on "Nuisance begging" and rough sleeping as soon to be illegal 9 months ago:
people can finally be truly hung over again.
- Comment on Trustafarians: When the Rich Pretend to be Poor 9 months ago:
I mean give the price of tickets. I have went to like 3 concerts (paid for rock ones) in my lifetime and never to a festival that had admission.
- Comment on Sleep does not help brain wash out toxins, study suggests 9 months ago:
I always thought that too.
- Comment on Internet use is associated with greater wellbeing, global study finds 9 months ago:
There is another factor though which is loss of non internet options. I would say for example that before 2010 I could live completely off the net. I could do pretty much everything by mail or in person or over the phone. post 2020 this is nearly impossible. I myself am trying to only utilize companies with offices where I can talk to people in person and on the phone but I find companies are attempting to run those offices with people who are the equivalent with first line phone support. And that is for the very small subset that have physical locations. Hours of operation are much more limited as well. Phone is generally equally degraded. Basically even if using the internet is horrible for you it is becoming a requirement to get by in life such that it would appear positive. For those who don't quite get what im saying is lets say you have to take some methadone every time you have to do anything business related. A very small amount. Incredibly small but of course you will be doing it often. Then follow it up with a study on how beneficial taking opioids are for people.
- Comment on Internet use is associated with greater wellbeing, global study finds 9 months ago:
this sounds to me like rich folks enjoy greater wellbeing than poor given its a global study. they talk about how other studies were limited because it just looke at north america or europe. geez. this is so obvious. I swear I have seen so many redic studies recently.
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
Im open to in office. Just add 7.5k to base pay for each day in office provided it located in my relatively affordable location.
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
I feel like im always explaining to recruiters what it sounds like the role they sent to me is actually looking for.
- Comment on To what do blind people jerk off? 9 months ago:
their hand usually.
- Comment on Does it seem odd to track my lifespan? 9 months ago:
from a 15 year old perspective old was awhile ago for me.
- Comment on Does it seem odd to track my lifespan? 9 months ago:
I don't see why it matters if you say your 15 years old 5 thousand some thing days of like 100k odd hours. they are just units of time. could also just say your a decade and a half or on your second revolution of the chinese zodiac (btw it has 5 elements so your fully go through the cycle at 60)
- Comment on German lawmakers support plans to protect Ukrainian airspace from NATO territory by means of Western air defense 9 months ago:
honestly I don't get why this was not the case from the get go. US has done no fly zones all the time.
- Comment on Is there any research on the possible market impact or fund volatility due to generational die offs? 9 months ago:
I think low payouts will though. its likely there will be thousands of low payout for every significant one. Its much more common. Some folks get into the lucky position where all said and done it cost them money or at least a lot of their time with nothing really to show for it. but your right its being pulled out of the market as the money is needed or even sooner in those cases. So it won't be a sudden it but more of a slow constant drain.
- Comment on OpenAI Is ‘Exploring’ How to Responsibly Generate AI Porn 9 months ago:
main problem is it should not use any examples of actual stuff. it should all be trained on licenesed anime.
- Comment on Is there any research on the possible market impact or fund volatility due to generational die offs? 9 months ago:
I highly disagree in the sense of most people. Everyone I have known in the situation have put it towards a house or it was so low they just took the cash for bills. I think most will keep it in investments if its quite substantial maybe but many people die having already had to sell off assets and reverse morgages and all kinds of things.
- Comment on 54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances 9 months ago:
I don't even know of any in the chicago area anymore. our meijer closed up before the pandemic hit. I actually have sorta the same issue. I am pretty aware of the increase in most items but rice and beans keep for long and so I don't buy them often. Im not sure of the price of them back when I was not fretting over my grocery bill. I only really buy lentils though as they are easy to make in the rice cooker.
- Comment on 54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances 9 months ago:
I live in the chicago area and prices have doubled at least. Even on the cheapest stuff. Many things are 3-5 times higher. I don't know where you are shopping?