Thing is I’m all for a company dumping an employee who engages in hate speech, for example, in their spare time. It’s at-will employment so anything goes technically.
The problem here is that the guy is targeting something totally inappropriate. He’s saying in thinly coded language that he expects people to be working all the time. He wants to own their spare time. There’s nothing to do about this except for his staff to dump him and his company and quit their jobs. It’s at-will employment so anything goes. 1 year ago
*Unless the employee is competing directly with the company
(I originally read into nonexistent context from the headline and am dum-dum.) 1 year ago
Fuck that noise.
In tech, my brain is my brain. Your employment is a license to use my brain for 8 hours a day. If I choose to get employed elsewhere, I still have my brain and it’s being licensed there too. If you want to license my brain 24/7, then we’re upping the cost significantly and you better fucking put it in the terms. 1 year ago
Yeah you’re not understanding the hypothetical at all.
If I hire you to do a job, and outside of working hours for me, you’re actively working against me, you’re fucking fired out of a cannon. 1 year ago
Thing is it’s never that black and white. Every business does somethings better than it’s competitors, otherwise one of them would have already gone under. It’s people that work at both that brimg both businesses forward.
Why do you think big tech big tech companies call as soon as you leave another big tech company? 1 year ago
Big words for a little guy who’s not currently paying me.