Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago
What does the Electoral College breakdown look like on that poll?
Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago
What does the Electoral College breakdown look like on that poll? 1 year ago
Why does that matter? The people want a better electoral system, one that treats all votes equally. 1 year ago
It matters which people want it. Certainly, if the sample was all in Kansas it would be different than if they were in New York. 1 year ago
Where people live shouldn’t effect their voice in government. 1 year ago
I’m sure those peo0le in the electoral college’s area of influence agree with you…or do they? 1 year ago
Ah, only certain people matter 1 year ago
Restrict the federal government’s power to only those powers explicitly delegated to them by the Constitution and I’d be ok with eliminating the Electoral College. 1 year ago
Why would that be relevant to switching to a voting system that produces winners that more accurately reflects the will of the people? 1 year ago
Because the will of the people in your definition is the will of a handful of cities and our country is too big for that. 1 year ago
It was designed to be unequal on purpose. The electoral is what keeps us from being ruled by the masses. It should not change. 1 year ago
So instead we get minority rule. Soooooo much better when the small number of loonies get to derail a functional government with a temper tantrum that 'the masses' want.
It's a badly designed system, and claiming it's like this on purpose doesn't negate how bad the system is. Also, we should not be chained to ideas that came around 250 years ago when other people have improved on the idea and made it less shitty. 1 year ago
Not at all. We have rule by the states.
The system is fine. It allows all states to have some say in the process. 1 year ago
What a convincing argument of its continued existence.
It doesn’t do that, all it does is give people in swing states a bigger voice than anybody else, which is a terrible thing for our country.
Everybody should have a voice, instead it’s just a handful of people in a small set of states. 1 year ago
Doesn’t sound like you’re a conservative or believe in a republic.
A popular vote would mean the costal areas would have the largest vote and rural areas would get ignored.
It would quickly lead to a breakup up of the union. 1 year ago
We have the senate, which is needed to pass any law and gives equal representation to the states. We have the supreme court, which can strike down any law as unconstitutional. We have plenty of checks on mob rule without disenfranchising a gigantic swath of voters. 1 year ago
Then why don’t we institute the “Wyoming Rule?” It’s not “rule by the masses” but much more representative of what the population wants. 1 year ago
Or why don’t we just keep the system that works and has kept the country running. Why change something when it works as designed ?