- Comment on Knock-off pokemon was wild 11 months ago:
how about the show where children train succubi
- Comment on Are there any genuine benefits to AI? 1 year ago:
Right, it's a new technology, its usage is being curated. Even once they release a publicly accessible application, it'll be like going to the hammer renting store, you get to go there and use a hammer, for a fee sometimes, you cant bring the hammer home or own it, they regulate what you can work on with it, it can be overused and inaccessible while demand is high, they can discontinue access when they want.
And they can and do give more access to wealthier clients.
- Comment on Are there any genuine benefits to AI? 1 year ago:
Everyone has access to the same tools
go make me something with Sora to see what kind of equal access you think you have
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
like a first for govenment coverup of a building demolition disguised as a terror attack?
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
Even if you ask them
"The collapse of WTC 7 is the first known instance of a tall building brought down primarily by uncontrolled fires. The fires in WTC 7 were similar to those that have occurred in several tall buildings where the automatic sprinklers did not function or were not present."
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
and the collapse of building 7 occurred exactly as you would expect from a building fire
It wasnt the first skyscraper fire, but it was the first and still only skyscraper to collapse from a fire. So no i wouldnt say its expected at all.
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
For me its Tower 7 falling. Nothing hit it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
amazon is a marketplace, not a manufacturer
- Comment on Amazon accused again of overcharging shoppers with Buy Box 1 year ago:
Its a common misconception, prices are never based on cost, its what people are willing to pay. Now, what people are willing to pay can be influenced by perceived costs, but thats pretty artificial too. The prices at a restaurant for example vary pretty wildly in profit margins. Pretty famously, sodas cost cents to make, but people are willing to pay orders of magnitude more.
- Comment on Amazon accused again of overcharging shoppers with Buy Box 1 year ago:
They both always are. Companies make up the prices, and price increases. Predicting how much folks are willing to pay.
- Comment on Real-time, AI monitoring at work: Major brands are snooping on employee conversations 1 year ago:
All these folks talking in work chats in encryption algorithms and riddles, if only a technology could make these words legible.
- Comment on Real-time, AI monitoring at work: Major brands are snooping on employee conversations 1 year ago:
AI interacts with data thats already there, its not a data collector.
- Comment on Because AI and Crypto use to much electricity, what if a law was made that they had to power it with green energy? 1 year ago:
Make a law to power everything with green energy
- Comment on Amazon accused again of overcharging shoppers with Buy Box 1 year ago:
claim the internet titan artificially inflates prices
All prices are artificial.
- Comment on This is literally me, I eat this shit every day 1 year ago:
sorry, the creator and original artist
- Comment on This is literally me, I eat this shit every day 1 year ago:
ya'll know the Plastic Man artist worked for Playboy?
- Comment on What are your thoughts on photosynthesis ? 1 year ago:
Posers will say they support it but then mow they lawns
- Comment on Government bonds anyone? 1 year ago:
Mine doesnt. I cant find the data about how many accounts do.
- Comment on Government bonds anyone? 1 year ago:
wait til you hear about bank accounts
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
Ive never understood the dependence on Amazon. It's not even a monopoly, I've never bought anything online that somewhere else didnt also offer the product, usually an online store specializing in that product.
- Comment on Maybe we could sleep in / Make you hotdog pancakes / Pretend like it's the weekend now 1 year ago:
Just whip up a bowl of hotdog batter
- Comment on America Is Missing Out on the Best Electric Cars: Whatever kind of EV you might want, chances are China has it. 1 year ago:
How do subsidies=crash, and what are more effective emissions reductions solutions than renewable energy and electrifying transit?
- Comment on America Is Missing Out on the Best Electric Cars: Whatever kind of EV you might want, chances are China has it. 1 year ago:
Even if its not some altruistic reasons, they still are literally subsidizing this emissions reducing technology.
Tho they are also going pretty ham on subsidizing renewable energy too.
- Comment on America Is Missing Out on the Best Electric Cars: Whatever kind of EV you might want, chances are China has it. 1 year ago:
I want a top speed of 50, 100 mile range, single seater, and a price tag to match
- Comment on America Is Missing Out on the Best Electric Cars: Whatever kind of EV you might want, chances are China has it. 1 year ago:
Those bastards, subsidizing emissions reducing technologies.
- Comment on Can you survive on pickles alone, for a while? 1 year ago:
It's not a technicality, it's just rounding. Go check out the nutrition labels on various foods you got. The majority of them will be rounded to the nearest tenth. A few low calorie ones might be rounded to the nearest fifth. Less than that is for all practical purposes 0 calories. You will not get a significant amount of calories no matter how many pickles you eat. Forget the sodium and acidity, your body cant hold enough pickle mass to add up to a snack's worth of calories.
- Comment on Can you survive on pickles alone, for a while? 1 year ago:
Cucumbers themselves, like basically every green vegetable, dont provide sustainable amounts of calories. But assuming pickles cant have a different calorie count from the cucumbers they started with is a bit nonsense, it's like saying wood ash will burn as well as unburnt wood. It's undergone chemical processes that alter its makeup. If you're talking about conventional vinegared pickles, that's acids breaking down the few carbohydrates and proteins, and if you're talking about lacto-fermented pickles, that's bacteria eating the calories first and converting into carbon dioxide. You can also compare the vitamins for fresh cucumbers vs labeled on the pickle jar. They're not finding loopholes to not label the health benefits of what they're selling, the pickling process also destroys vitamins.
- Comment on The most exciting 2024 tech isn't AI 1 year ago:
It says it a few times about x86 being decades old...but so is ARM? I dont know whats supposed to be game changing about it.
- Comment on Followup on the vehicle "kill switch" mandated by the Infrastructure Bill 1 year ago:
America will do anything to not implement public transit and less car dependency.
- Comment on The Hyperloop was always a scam 1 year ago:
Even with public support this isnt something I'd expect to see in my lifetime, this would be a huge undertaking, a milestone for a more advanced civilization in the future. I'd compare it to space travel, something that was figured as theoretically possible long before it was even attempted. It was a massive effort, but it was possible and was achieved and now many many decades later its having practical applications for things like satellites. But Musk has put it into a bit of a dark age, where its disregarded as a meme and so wont be seeing any advancement for quite some time.