So that your neighbors can keep track of your oral hygine, or even trigger an automation every time you brush your teeth. 1 year ago
i was looking for a new toothbrush yesterday… they have app enabled toothbrushes. bluetooth. why the fuck do i need an app to brush my fucking teeth? 1 year ago 1 year ago
Need? You don’t. I would suggest that the majority of people don’t brush their teeth properly and the app-based tooth brush can help people reach all their teeth, brush for the right length of time, etc…all that has the knock on effect of helping those who use the app-connected tooth brushes avoid painful and costly dentist visits. 4 months ago
I saw this. It seems the app just shows you a picture of which quadrant you should be brushing and how to move the brush. I bought the appless one and it just vibrates every 2 min. or so to let you know you can move on to a new area of your mouth. No app required. If anyone thinks a glorified brushing timer is worth your privacy, might I suggest an egg timer instead?