Comment on Apple 15 relegated to USB 2.0 unless you buy the Pro ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I love how these articles happen and are posted and everyone flames at apple.

This isn’t that different than the Galaxy note 20 not having ultra wide band but the Ultra version does.

All companies do this, otherwise why have different tiers or different models.

Don’t get me wrong, I am thrilled they are finally using USB-C. I enjoyed the lightning when if first came out. The only cord at the time you could plug in and there was no up or down, it just want in no matter what orientation. Apple just wanted to charge everyone to use it and they screwed up with that. Now there is a full standard for every device, this is good.

Apple fan boys and Android fan boys need to chill out. It’s just a phone, not an allegiance.
