Comment on Germany refuses to extradite man to UK over concerns about British jail conditions ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

On the back of this evidence, the German court sought reassurances on two occasions from the UK authorities about prison conditions there.

The court said guarantees from the UK of compliance with minimum standards in accordance with the European convention on human rights were required. In addition, the court asked the British authorities to specify which prisons the Albanian man was going to be detained in and what his conditions of detention would be in those prisons.

A police station in Manchester replied to the court’s first request on the final day of the deadline for a response, saying 20,000 extra prison places were being built to deal with the problem of overcrowding. The second request for reassurance about UK prison conditions received no response from the UK.

"Just hand it over to us right now. It's overcrowded, but there will be new places soon (tm). Also, we won't tell you what prison."

So sloppy and unprofessional. I didn't think the state of UK prisons was so bad.
