I went to South Carolina once. For the eclipse a few years ago.
We flew into Charlotte, stayed there for a night, then Greenville SC for a night (to be in totality), and back to Charlotte for a couple of days.
Crossing the border from NC to SC was less like crossing state lines and more like crossing the DMZ or the Berlin Wall. Just…a totally different word on the other side of that line.
Best part was that I got to try out cheer wine. Also there was a guy in front of me at the concession stand (we saw the eclipse from the Greenville Zoo) on the phone with someone. He was trying to tell that person he was in the “food line” but the other person kept hearing “Food Lion”, the name of a local grocery chain.
Next eclipse, I’m going to Austin.
callouscomic@lemm.ee 1 year ago
North Carolina once outlawed State officials mentioning or acknowledging climate change exists. We could also discuss bathrooms if you want. I think NC ought not be pointing fingers about who is better.
pixel_witch@lemmy.world 1 year ago
While true there are some groups people and politicians are trying to make it be better and change things like that. I can’t think of anyone in SC that is doing that (though I admit I don’t keep up with their politics outside broad nationwide headlines)
Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Well I DID add “or at least the least awful one”. I know that NC is far from perfect, with some instances of truly horrid policies, but compared to SC it’s almost downright progressive lol