Comment on i’m not religious. stop trying to force me to be. 21 hours agoPerfection, no. An effort, yes. I am an atheist and live in a country with actual religious freedom.
Comment on i’m not religious. stop trying to force me to be. 21 hours agoPerfection, no. An effort, yes. I am an atheist and live in a country with actual religious freedom. 21 hours ago
I’d argue that anyone claiming to be a Christian believes they are making an effort to follow the teachings of Christ as they understand them.
I’m not sure why you think where you live is relevant, but OK. 20 hours ago
If “Christians” had read GMs understood the Bible instead of just accepting what bad abroad had told them it says they would probably be better Christians.
Where I live is is relevant as an atheist I have actual religious freedom which means that the Christian prohibition against judging others does not apply to me. I am free to judge that false Christians are horrible people. 14 hours ago
The problem is in understanding the bible. Christianity is an esoteric religion. A quick read is not going to get someone there. It is beyond most peoples range of knowledge. Eastern religions ( Buddhism, Hindu, etc ) make it clear that a teacher is needed to understand. In the west Christianity is a perverted false religion at this point and has been for a very long time. This has allowed for many “false Prophets” (which the same religion clearly warned against) to lead masses of people down a wrong path.