Comment on You guys have to end it 3 days ago
I’ve always had a manual car. I love them. That is until I ended up dating a younger woman and we moved in together. Several years later the manual turned into the second car only I drove. That got sold and we now have two cars she can drive.
One day I might teach her how to drive manual. We live in a really flat area with no major hills, so it shouldn’t be a problem. One day maybe, 3 days ago
I always drive manual but my husband likes automatic. My kids learned on his car but my penultimate daughter drives mine to school now. I dunno, shifting seems easy to learn once you know how to drive in general - I learned it because everyone else was drink one night so I had to drive home, when I was a teenager, and the drunk kid’s car was manual. 3 days ago
Does that sounds a bit ominous to anyone else? :D 3 days ago
Well I’m certainly not having any more of them! 3 days ago
I joked I was gonna teach my son how to drive a manual just in time for electric cars to render them entirely obsolete…
but at least he’ll be prepared if the zombie apocalypse happens in the next 10-15 years… 3 days ago
I dunno, it seems way more possible to set up some solar charging arrangement for an electric vehicle than to somehow find and pump gas into a gas powered car! 3 days ago
Yeah but the equipment to repair the electric car might my significantly harder to source. 3 days ago
As a Brit, I still find it staggering that some places allow you to drive a manual without having learned how to. It’s two separate licences over here. 3 days ago
Interesting. In Canada you can now drive a 11,000kg rv without any kind of special licence. Not sure how I feel about that one.