Free will is what sets us apart from most other animals. I would assert that many humans rarely exert their own free will. Having an interest and pursuing it is an exercise of free will. Some people are too busy surviving to do this. Curiosity and exploration are exercises of free will. Another would be helping strangers or animals - a choice bringing the individual no advantage.
You argue that wants, preferences, and beliefs are not chosen. Where do they come from? Why does one individual have those interests and not another? It doesn’t come from your parents or genes. It doesn’t come from your environment.
It’s entirely possible to choose your interests and beliefs. People change religions and careers. People abandon hobbies and find new ones. People give away their fortunes to charity. 1 week ago
I want chocolate, I don’t eat chocolate, exercise of free will.
By your logic no alcoholic could possible stop drinking and become sober.
In my humble opinion, free will does not mean we are free of internal and external motivators, it means that we are free to either give in to them or go against. 1 week ago
There’s a reason you don’t eat chocolate (health or weight gain probably) and you didn’t choose to become a person wanting to live a healthy life style - you just do. You can’t take credit for your ability to not eat chocolate any more than you can blame an alcoholic for their inability to not drink. 1 week ago
I am curious to hear why you insist it’s inevitable. What intrinsic properties of the universe make you believe that we don’t have any choice and all our actions are set in stone? 1 week ago
For me. I think everything is physical, and there’s always a cause and effect. There is no magical non-physical consciousness. A combination of your genetics, experiences, and environment determine the “choices” you make/actions you take. Free will is an illusion, IMO. 1 week ago
What is inevitable? At no point have I claimed that our actions are set in stone. That would imply fatalism which equally suggest that things can happen without anything causing them to happen. 1 week ago
Your choice of words is an analytical failure it says that the the will somehow sitting on top of all those processes rather than being a function of them. 1 week ago
Our universe is predeterministic. Block Universe (aka Eternalism).
Check mate. 1 week ago
It’s not according to quantum physics we observe 1 week ago
Seemingly “random” events can still be containerized in the crystalized time structure.