Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News #2 2 days ago
Epic has a sordid reputation.
I wonder why… Personally, I’d rather pirate than have to do anything with them. “Free games” are not enough to forgive what they did to the PC gaming community. They’re not so epic 2 days ago
What did they do to the gaming community? Make you not use just one platform, giving that platform a de-facto monopoly? 1 day ago
I don’t know if this is the priority for many other users, but Epic Games is 40% owned by Tencent, a Chinese corporation. That in itself is an inappropriate level of CCP influence to me - sadly, Chinese companies don’t really get to divest themselves of government influence the way American corps do.
(That said, with Google changing the Gulf of Mexico’s name, I feel less sure of that last claim) 1 day ago
That’s understandable, i wouldn’t knock anyone from boycotting for tencent reasons 2 days ago
Buying exclusives on a pretty obvious inferior launcher because they couldn’t compete with steam so they had to gather some users with exclusivity
This is a starting point. They can’t compete with GOG or Steam, they’re even worse that EA play or whatever is called right now 2 days ago
We would have never gotten the likes of Alan wake 2 if not for epics money though, which also paved the way for remedy to become more independent for future releases. I’d rather have an exclusive then nothing at all.
It’s also arguable whether or not square would’ve ported kingdom hearts to pc if not for epic paying for it as well. Which in turn allowed them to put it on steam later because the game had already been made to work for pc.
Other than how they’ve handled rocket league and harmonix, epic have done nothing but good for the pc space in my opinion. Even if a launcher is shitty, a launcher is just a launcher and at least their store runs better than gog or steams. 2 days ago
And it was a total flop lmao
U sure bud?
Gimme some examples and I’ll share something with ya