These are two separate things. Men and women are all human beings and are OF COURSE capable of being shitty or good on the same level. But it’s important to give the same opportunity to both, there’s no reason one of the sexes should be discriminated against. Women are still not equal in many ways (the exact ways depending on the particular society).
Comment on Firefox deletes promise to never sell personal data, asks users not to panic 2 days ago
Women CEOs are as shit as Male CEOs. Who would have thunk the war of the sexes was a cause dangled in front of the bougies so the elite could parasitise free from fear of popular revolt huh? 2 days ago 2 days ago
They are often used as scapegoats in the CEO position, when the company gets really bad reputation. Musk being an obvious example of X, chose a woman as a human shield 2 days ago
I read somewhere that women CEO are often chosen when the company is declining or about to fail, as a way to take the blame off from themselves 2 days ago
Sex, gender, sexual orientation, skin colour are red herrings used to distract the people from the fact they have a boot on their neck. The replies to my comment are yet another evidence people are OK licking the boot as long as the party is “insert preference here”. The problem is not particular to any of the aforementioned classes, the problem is the incentive structure is broken and the fiduciary duty is enshrined in law rather than good governance and long term sustainability. Firefox is just another evidence that cheerleading for a CEO because of intrinsic characteristics is a folly. 2 days ago
Fucking what? 2 days ago
This was essentially my same reaction to that comment. All I can think is that they imagined that this post said something like “Firefox bad because DEI CEO!” and reacted without actually reading the post.
Which … I mean, given the world we currently live in, is probably being said somewhere. But on this post, it’s a HECK of a non-sequitur.