They never said that we should revolt, rather, proposed what would happen if we didn’t.
Comment on Trump openly shmoozing russian oligarchs 3 days agoHere’s the problem, at least on Lemmy.
I’ve had comments deleted in the past for openly supporting Luigi, and that guy in PA who almost shot trump. The reason those comments were listed as “inciting violence”. Even though MY comment didn’t incite violence. My comment only said that I support their actions. I never suggested anyone ELSE comit violence.
But now you say we need to revolt to push back against trump/russia/fascism/foreign interests.
I’m not even saying I disagree with you. I’m all for whatever revolution we all know is coming. We’ve known it’s coming for years.
I’m not saying we should. I’m saying it’s inevitable. But you’re saying we should. So this goes back to my main point. How do you talk about it across Lemmy without being accused of inciting violence? Because at it’s core, that’s what it is. Every revolution is violent. There’s no such thing as a peaceful civil war.
So, what road do we need to go down, where discussing the very real future options is more than just “vote and write your congressman”?
At some point this is going to become an active civil war. And I don’t think the mods are doing this as a war to supress the revolution. I just don’t think they see it as positive.
And by positive, I mean imagine in the 1940s, that guy who tried placing a bomb in hitlers meeting. It failed, but the idea was to kill hitler. I think that was a positive. Now imagine if the internet existed, if mods said “no inciting violence”.
The world is a better place without hitler, but now our government is openly seig hailing in public. So I ask to users and mods/admins alike. If now is not the time to discuss revolting, then when? 3 days ago 3 days ago
Idk I just say what I believe and I’m still here. Not saying its not a problem, it just for whatever reason doesnt happen to me and half my comments are activist. 3 days ago
Your comments may not be angry or radical enough yet, but I’ll give you time lol. 3 days ago
I got a separate place for those lol 3 days ago
Tom Cardy intensifies…
HaVe YoU cHeCkEd YoUr BUTTHOOOOOLE??? Skee dop do be bop bop.
…I am in a weird mood tonight. Preaching for open discussions on revolution, singing about buttholes, and earlier on the bus I told the bus driver to have a snickers filled day. Which leaves all the questions open to what that means. Even I don’t know! Now I’d standing in the middle of the road at 11:30pm, typing this out, with no real direction.
Wait, am I bipolar? My mom is bipolar. Did she give me the bipolar? I’m gonna go take a poop. 3 days ago
Simple, you don’t use instances that stop you from speaking about this.