The main character syndrome is definitely strong with this one, with her being able to do dual-rotation jumps with so little practice. I have faith in the mangaka at this point to not just have her easily breeze through everything, mainly because they’ve done a great job with most other aspects.
Comment on Medalist - Episode 8 discussion 1 week ago
Coach Tsukasa running a few train stations worth of distance to fetch Inori’s skates:
This is a set-up episode so nothing too amazing here, but it’s still great. I found it cute how Inori tied a bow on Tsukasa’s hoodie without him noticing.
My prediction for next episode is that Inori is going to lose the competition. It’s too much of a Main Character Syndrome if she just keeps getting victories after victories.
A loss here could then propel her for a competition / test / something in the season finale. 1 week ago 1 week ago
with her being able to do dual-rotation jumps with so little practice
My understanding is that she had been practicing hard all along and perfected the fundamentals, making it possible to pick up advanced techniques in a short duration. We just never got to see her practice on her own.
This is me bragging thinly-disguised as an example, but I can relate to this with first hand experience. I went from being complete beginner with no experience at skiing to do red runs regularly in a matter of days (to be specific, in about 2 weeks in total) which is considered kinda fast from what I’ve heard. One of my instructors pointed that because I did not pick up any bad habits, I never had to unlearn bad habits during lessons. Instead, I could simply pick up new techniques each time, building upon whatever I have learnt before.
I think Inori is in the same boat as I was.
For context, skiing levels goes something like this: learner -> green -> blue -> red -> black -> off-piste / free-style 1 week ago
My understanding is that she had been practicing hard all along and perfected the fundamentals
There is some truth to that, but only some. There were some really fundamental things she wasn’t familiar with, like how to glide long distances on a single skate. 1 week ago
This image convinced me to take a closer look at this show. 1 week ago
It’ll make you want to go ice skating while it’s still cold. 1 week ago
This show embiggens the heart. 1 week ago
Fitting for underdog MCs