Plenty of random innocent people have died from package bombs. All it takes is for someone to hate your boss / your neighbor / someone unrelated with the same name. Or just, someone unhinged
Comment on Every package you receive has the chance of being a bomb 1 week ago
You’re not that important. Nobody wants to kill you. 1 week ago 1 week ago
Seems sus. Keep an eye on this one. 1 week ago
Unless… there’s profit in it. No profit in sending a customer a bomb. 1 week ago
Eh, they could very well have someone that wants to kill them. But it’s less likely that they have someone willing to take the risk of prison to do it though, or the knowledge of how to actually make a bomb 1 week ago
that’s the main reason you should care. It makes sense being target of murder when you know you are not important, so no one would care
Image 1 week ago
Nah killing for no reason. No one with that expertise will be wasting time like that.