Yes let’s call it Yougenics Healthcare by United 2 weeks ago
He believes the payoff will include better healthcare, thanks to treatments tailored to individuals…
Hey, that’s great and all… So, who’s going to pay for those treatments? Universal healthcare when? 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
silly rabbit, healthcare is for wealthies! your DNA and medical history is farmed to cure your betters.
now sit down. 2 weeks ago
I’ll consider them my “betters” when they can prove to me that their money and power is good for something other than the kind of villainy reserved for children’s cartoons.
Now, this is an interesting statement. The first part could well be taken as satire. But, this… this stands apart, a command that pings my Poe’s Law detector. Is this more villain-coded roleplay? Or, is perhaps a prophylactic ESAD called for here, in the event that you truly believe what you’re saying?