- Comment on Deny it? 3 weeks ago:
I’m certainly thick as a brick…
- Comment on Larry Ellison wants to put all America's data, including DNA, in one big Oracle system for AI to study 3 weeks ago:
I’ll consider them my “betters” when they can prove to me that their money and power is good for something other than the kind of villainy reserved for children’s cartoons.
now sit down.
Now, this is an interesting statement. The first part could well be taken as satire. But, this… this stands apart, a command that pings my Poe’s Law detector. Is this more villain-coded roleplay? Or, is perhaps a prophylactic ESAD called for here, in the event that you truly believe what you’re saying?
- Comment on Larry Ellison wants to put all America's data, including DNA, in one big Oracle system for AI to study 3 weeks ago:
He believes the payoff will include better healthcare, thanks to treatments tailored to individuals…
Hey, that’s great and all… So, who’s going to pay for those treatments? Universal healthcare when?
- Comment on Captain Crunch vs Jean Lafoote 4 weeks ago:
To shreds, you say?
- Comment on Captain Crunch vs Jean Lafoote 4 weeks ago:
To shreds, you say?
- Comment on Not a bad guess... 6 months ago:
It’s one of those movies that I put on for giggles one boring evening many moons ago, and spent the whole time going “what the fuck?”
- Comment on Duke Nukem's Co-Creator Reveals Old Pitch For 'Big Trouble In Little China' Game 7 months ago:
We are in his debt. He showed great courage.
- Comment on Don't. 8 months ago:
- Comment on Choose your Fighter 8 months ago:
I’ll pick the Stegosaurus… but only because the Triceratops is conspicuously absent from this chart.
(Secret fighter menu?)
- Comment on I think it's extremely invasive that amazon is telling me this 9 months ago:
Those NextDoor posts are something else.
In my area, they tend to take on racist undertones. But, there are also posts of equal-opportunity fearmongering, wherein strange cars, teenagers with clipboards, or nicely -dressed middle-aged ladies taking pictures of houses are suspected of casing the joint for later break-in, accompanied by the usual question: Should I call the police?
Folks really are that fearful, and it’s a sad state of affairs.
- Comment on "Yeah, yeah, I totally know what a lion looks like, just give me the brush" 9 months ago:
“My, I bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day - Gee, I’ll bet monsters are interesting, I said. And I’ll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I’m always interested in meeting interesting people. Now let’s dip our patties in the water!”
- Comment on Can you live a fulfilling life with autism? 11 months ago:
Oh, I bet that “reason” is to achieve some kind of mythical “purity”, as though such a thing was even desirable…
Well, at least you got one thing right: I’m very much entitled to my opinion. And, I opine that I don’t want to live the same, boring, homogenous, inbred, weak life as everyone else. If you think that’s what you need to be happy, happy trails and good fucking luck. 🫡
- Comment on Can you live a fulfilling life with autism? 11 months ago:
Really? As a weirdo, I’m not sure I agree with that.
- Comment on Can you live a fulfilling life with autism? 11 months ago:
You say “weirdo” as if that’s a bad thing…
- Comment on Fitbit Clock Fade 1 year ago:
That’s something I think I’d like to use, but I don’t know if could get over the fact that neither the date nor the time are in ISO 8601 format.
- Comment on When you want to quit drinking 1 year ago:
I appreciate how far NA beers have come since O’Douls. It’s gotten to the point where I can much more easily replace the want for a certain kind of beer in some situations—a party, working out in the yard, eating certain foods—with a Partake or an Athletic, and not feel like I’m missing something.
But, gosh, I want someone other than Guinness to make a good NA stout.
- Comment on Mirror Chekov aka Bester is a very efficient undercover agent 1 year ago:
What a guy!
- Comment on "Implants. Those aren't your memories, they're somebody "else's. 1 year ago:
Must be expensive.
- Comment on "Implants. Those aren't your memories, they're somebody "else's. 1 year ago:
It’s artificial?
- Comment on What moment from a video game made you cry? 1 year ago:
I’m a pretty emotional dude. I tear up at a lot of things, happy and sad. But, there are very few things in this life that have caused me to totally break down, ugly crying. The ending to “To the Moon” is one of them. Too visceral a reminder of saying goodbye to people I’ve loved very much.
- Comment on It's Capt Gregg 1 year ago:
Meet you in Holodeck 3 later?
- Comment on I dunno, still might be aliens with this one. 1 year ago:
I want to believe…
- Comment on This is the way 1 year ago:
If the bottom one actually worked, I wouldn’t do the top three.
- Comment on We've been jammed! 1 year ago:
…and the what?
- Comment on #1 or #2? 1 year ago:
And here’s me about two hours away from my copy of the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual to debunk this obvious joke with a picture of all the architectural diagrams where it calls out places where one might find a head, including, IIRC, the Ready Room, of which I imagine Riker probably avails himself on the regular.
- Comment on Apple's new iPhone 15 is an underwhelming 'slap in the face,' say disappointed fans 1 year ago:
I fall squarely into that 3-year cycle. My old iPhone 12 Pro, which is—as others would very plainly say—still pretty capable, is liable to go to my mother. My husband’s will go to one of the nieces or nephews.
For me, this “slap in the face upgrade” is liable to be a pretty substantial upgrade. And, I’m good with spending my money on that.