Imagine if one nuclear head was pointed to every megacorp headquarters in the US.
Comment on Anonymous: Trump is making America weaker and we’ll exploit it - News Cafe 3 weeks ago
This is kinda what trump wants. If the government cant handle “online stuff” they, can pitch privatization. It hurts more if megacorps get hacked up. Though at this point I wou’d laugh if a bunch of internet nerds got the nuclear codes or locked up a bunch of satellites 3 weeks ago 3 weeks ago
Don’t point at the HQs, point at their mansions / golf courses / private islands 3 weeks ago
Ceo residences would do better. Force them all to live in the office hellscape they created. 3 weeks ago
It kind of already is privatized. Most of the government’s cyber security efforts are handled by defense contractors. 2 weeks ago
CISA actually monitored Internet traffic and would contact government entities (local, schools, universities, etc) when they were being attacked. I went to a talk once where they said they usually had response times in minutes, and it would take longer to figure out who they needed to alert and convince them that it was real. Now that CISA is gutted I would expect more and worse breaches in the future.