So criticise him for being a boot licking clown employed by the Swasticar king.
Age is not a valid criticism here.
Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 4 weeks agoThat 23 year old can easily be compromised. I know this because he was, by musk.
So criticise him for being a boot licking clown employed by the Swasticar king.
Age is not a valid criticism here.
Every person is different. But on average, younger people are easier to trick. As are the elderly. The former lacks experience. The latter loses faculties.
It’s ageist to pre judge a ~person~ based on age. It’s not ageist to understand the progression of the human mind.
You wouldn’t say it’s ageist that babies are easy to trick, would you?
There it is again, infantilizing an adult.
There’s no evidence this guy has been tricked. There’s a lot of evidence he’s a piece of shit.
Maybe. See, you assume this person has a full comprehension of what’s he’s doing, why he’s doing it, and the historical context around what musk is doing. You assume he’s all-in on being a fascist.
You’re assuming this guy is a genius who spent his time learning programming and history and politics. And from there he decided that he’ll help overthrow a government.
I remember being that age, and apparently I wasn’t as smart because I just learned programming by then. It took will into my 30s to start to understand social issues and into my 40s to start to get politics. I worked for a very evil corporation because the money was good, and never gave it a second thought.
If we knew the guy’s name we could look him up online and see if his posts are more “well researched Nazi” or “easily fooled lonely edgelord”. But if I had to put money on it, I’m betting it’s the latter. 4 weeks ago
My grandma could snap that mfer in half and she’s been dead for years.