There is a fast growing number of people that find the sight of dead animal meat disgusting.
You could say the picture is more NSFL than NSFW, which is quite ironic but true also for me.
Comment on We have the meats 1 day ago
Why are so many posts being labeled as nsfw without having any nsfw content recently?
There is a fast growing number of people that find the sight of dead animal meat disgusting.
You could say the picture is more NSFL than NSFW, which is quite ironic but true also for me.
I will never run out of material. 1 day ago
Have you never heard of a vagina referred to as a roast beef sandwich? Marking it nsfw is part of the joke. 17 hours ago
Exactly, I thought everybody knows your wife. 22 hours ago
I get the joke I just don’t like it when people misuse the nsfw tag. It diminishes the whole point of the tag. Maybe that’s just me though.