This problem solved, but whenever you change your network or IP and then periodically, your phone will report to Firebase, so you can receive push notifications.
You can block those with software that simulates a local VPN with a filter, but you won’t get any more push notifications. Now push notifications are not just the ones you see. Some apps use invisible ones to get infos they need to work. 5 weeks ago
Using a VPN just moves the trust to another middleman. 4 weeks ago
So use a trustworthy middleman? Surely you can find someone more trustworthy than advertising companies? 4 weeks ago
Yeah, a middleman you get to choose. That’s a huge improvement. There are plenty of trustworthy VPN providers. 5 weeks ago
You can set up wireguard vpn on a tiny instance in Amazon or Google, and bounce traffic through that one. Then you control what gets logged (Amazon may have logs over all outgoing connections from all instances somewhere though). 4 weeks ago
Tor over VPN 4 weeks ago
Multiple middlemen are better than just one. Also, you can test its effectiveness. 4 weeks ago
Is that tinfoil hat comfortable? 4 weeks ago
Using a VPN means that all your traffic is routed through a possibly malicious actor. 4 weeks ago
Like Kevin Spacey?