Comment on Are mods usually confusing as hell or am I just an idiot? 5 weeks ago
You’re not missing anything. Modding older games PC can be a pain in the ass.
You can usually find a somewhat coherent and structured guide that will give you a step by step process, but will still be time-consuming (and there will likely be exceptions or outdated information).
The best option is to keep mods to minimum unless you know what you are doing and it’s a game that you play on a permanent basis. 5 weeks ago
Sometimes the older games are the easy ones to mod, and the new games make it intentionally difficult. Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Deus Ex are all mod-friendly.
It can also depend on how much work the mod developer puts into making it easy. 5 weeks ago
I was so confused for so long here. I forgot that Men in Black were in Deus Ex. I was just like “How the hell does Tommy Lee Jones connect with this?!” 4 weeks ago
If it’s non-standard engine (“sourceport” in Doom terminology) with its own scripting infrastructure (like GZDoom) then sure. Vanilla and Boom compatible engines are kinda tricky, DeHackEd isn’t exactly the easiest modding approach. Mapping-friendly - for sure, but modding - less so. 4 weeks ago
Yeah, the main reason doom can be considered more friendly is because the whole engine’s been taken apart and rebuilt by half the game industry by now