Rare was basically a second party developer back in those days. They were given access to internal tools from Nintendo, a direct hotline for help, hell they even developed Nintendo IPs, which was unheard of for a western developer and is still rare even today
Comment on Could you imagine a Nintendo title being advertised like this today? (Conker's Bad Fur Day, 2001)
woelkchen@lemmy.world 1 month agoEven back then this kind of advertisement (and game) was an anomaly coming from Nintendo.
Yeah. One reason being that this wasn’t a Nintendo game. It was a Rare/THQ game. Nintendo didn’t publish this.
cfi@lemmy.world 1 month ago
Lemminary@lemmy.world 1 month ago
is still rare even today
Yes, very Rare of them.
woelkchen@lemmy.world 1 month ago
Doesn’t change the fact that Nintendo only owned a minority share and that this specific game was not published by Nintendo. They had access to the development tools already, so it was no special treatment for Conker.
HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 1 month ago
Ah, from the minds that brought us Warhammer in electronic form.
Ashtear@lemm.ee 1 month ago
This even being on a Nintendo system–subject to Nintendo’s review–was a major change. Nintendo of America was as puritanical as it came up through the 16-bit era. Something like this releasing on a Nintendo system was unconscionable as late as 1995.
woelkchen@lemmy.world 1 month ago
Nintendo famously changed their mind when Mortal Kombat 1 sold better on Genesis/Mega Drive than Super Nintendo.