- Comment on Could you imagine a Nintendo title being advertised like this today? (Conker's Bad Fur Day, 2001) 1 month ago:
Ah, from the minds that brought us Warhammer in electronic form.
- Comment on Former Mass Effect director cancels his next sci-fi game as his studio closes before it is fully revealed 2 months ago:
Really sad - a similar game to the ME series would be a welcome change and if done right could be drawn out for years
- Comment on Netanyahu latest: Israeli PM accuses ICC of anti-Semitism 3 months ago:
Fuck off
- Comment on wrappers 3 months ago:
No fetish, but I wanna pat it.
Do you think it likes chin scratches? Does it have a chin? Can I stack them for convenience?
- Comment on Microsoft builds first datacenters with wood to slash carbon emissions 3 months ago:
So is every tree
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 3 months ago:
What do you think that dust was?
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 3 months ago:
What are their names, and do they bite?
- Comment on The Pillowcase is FAR superior! 3 months ago:
One of my kids dressed as a farmer.
He took a gumboot. Fucking legend
- Comment on You have 8 seconds. 3 months ago:
How much?
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 3 months ago:
Halloween food - no.
Halloween plastic decorations, wrapping, costumes… yeah, we can do without
- Comment on So tired to see Elon Musk in my home page EVERY DAY 4 months ago:
He was in Iron Man 2.
He popped in to ruin that too.
- Comment on HIT EM WITH THE CHAIR (by Cirenk) 4 months ago:
I thought Tai Lee grew up.
Still would.
- Comment on Airline airs ‘sexually explicit’ film on every screen – with no way to turn it off 4 months ago:
Pretty sure in flight had a fuse to pull. Its a massive power draw, and can absolutely affect engine performance.
- Comment on How come the US does not put a bounty on Putin like they did Bin Laden? 4 months ago:
Terrorists are usually defined as non-state actors who use violence to achieve political goals.
As the ruling party of Afghanistan they are no longer a non-state actor, therefore not terrorists.
- Comment on How come the US does not put a bounty on Putin like they did Bin Laden? 4 months ago:
They were right. Until they won.
- Comment on xkcd #2992: UK Coal 4 months ago:
Placed 3 inches of their land in the air
- Comment on Foundation crack 4 months ago:
Not OP, nor a builder.
Why not get a professional to take a look? Cost would be nothing compared to the potential risk and peace of mind.
- Comment on Poggers 5 months ago:
And she earned it
- Comment on Empires fall 5 months ago:
Great, now I’ve got to go watch “The Ballard of Buster Scruggs” again
- Comment on That explains it. 5 months ago:
And why soo many YouTube, Netflix and Amazon prime thumbnails have boobs.
- Comment on Yemen fires long-range missile at Israel, no casualties reported 5 months ago:
You and I? Very little.
And yes, changing multipolar world, rising states, shift of world power eastward, then throw in a healthy dose of climate change and resource shortages. The tension is absolutely there.
- Comment on Yemen fires long-range missile at Israel, no casualties reported 5 months ago:
Well, here we go.
Remember this people - seing the same signs for WW3 as we missed in the lead up to WW2
- Comment on New solar carport opens at 4,300 meters on Mount Everest 5 months ago:
Would be interesting seeing the number of left over cars after a season.
Something similar was mapped after 9/11… all the office workers that parked up and went to work…
- Comment on YSK rice commonly contains arsenic, but most of it can be removed by boiling in water (4:1 ratio) for 5 minutes, and discarding that water before starting the regular cook cycle with fresh water. 5 months ago:
Im with you.
Sorry, everything these days causes cancer. Let me have a quick easy dinner so this life is worth it.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
Think its kinda a “not the onion” shitpost. Wouldn’t believe it if it was posted anywhere else.
- Comment on Journalist experiencing a Genocide raises awareness for another country experiencing a Genocide 5 months ago:
- Comment on Journalist experiencing a Genocide raises awareness for another country experiencing a Genocide 6 months ago:
Unfortunately many, if not most genocides are civil war actions.
- Comment on Why is goverment debt not calculated as a % of tax revenues instead of GDP? 6 months ago:
You’re being downvoted because people only think in the context of their own experiences - hasn’t happened to them so it either isn’t that bad or didn’t actually happen.
- Comment on Jawgs 6 months ago:
- Comment on Today's featured article on Wikipedia: Outer Wilds 6 months ago:
I got confused more than anything - think I was missing a few key things.
Saying that, my answer would be subnautica.