The article I read yesterday about it was skewed a little different.
He was out for lunch with a friend and went straight to the tournament after and forgot he was wearing jeans. He offered to change them for the next day but they said he had to do it now, at which point he said it was a matter of principal and walked off. I know I have no idea how the “societal elite” live but I don’t carry an extra set of pants on me when I go places.
As someone who accidentally ended up on a management level web cam meeting with a “death and taxes” being the only thing you can count on shirt, I understand not realizing what you are wearing in the morning. I have since made changes to what I allow myself to wear on working days 2 months ago
Wearing the shirt backwards would have worked in a pinch, unless the back had a guillotine and said “Eat the Rich”.
Here I am designing tshirts. 2 months ago
I very well could have run to my room and change the shirt. But it was a call from my boss so I answered and he said we were hoping on a call to discuss this crisis and I said ok. It wasn’t until I looked at my picture on zoom that I nice what I was wearing and at that point we were 20 minutes into the call. Anyone paying attention would have already seen the shirt and I figured it would be stranger for me to stop the camera and run and change the shirt. 2 months ago
I still don’t understand why it matters. Everyone in the call pays taxes and will die eventually, everyone in the call knows what a joke T-shirt is, and presumably they are all functioning adults who put aside their own quirks to pretend to be normal just like the rest of us. Them execs probably do some weird 50 shades stuff on the weekend.
It’s probably because I’m a software dev, but my zoom call outfits/hair/background get zero of my attention. An interview, sure, but if I feel like my shirt affects my standing on the team at all then I’ve certainly lost faith in my performance and personality.
Am I trippin?