News papers are a physical item, not bits hidden behind a boolean set to true. Plus, I can go read a newspaper at the store if I want to.
So physical newspapers aren’t news? 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
You pay for information and not paper or pixels. 4 weeks ago
Information should be free. Putting it behind a paywall makes it so the less fortunate suffer by being kept out of the loop. 4 weeks ago
Information is free, it’s the transmission medium (paper printing or webservers) and the journalist’s wages that you should pay for. 4 weeks ago
You might. 🏴☠️ 4 weeks ago
“Can I have that once you’re finished with it?” Physical newspapers are subject to being given away by the original purchaser (or getting picked up from cafe tables or pulled from trashcans—people used to leave the damned things lying around everywhere), if you can’t afford to pay for them. It’s a bit more difficult to do that with digital content.