You should always go to the hospital after a decent shock to make sure you’re good
My dad worked with electricians and a dude had a heart attack a few hours after a good shock because it had slightly fucked with his rhythm or something (I ain’t no heart man), from then on they enforced sending people to the DR if they got a numbing shock or worse
Same was the case when I worked in a warehouse and we only dealt with 110v 2 months ago
Typing is hard with one hand so bare with me. When I got shocked my arm immediately went numb from my hand to my elbow and still is. Shortly after my chest started hurting. I have heart problems as is. Went to urgent care for my hand but they sent me to the hospital for my heart. Still can’t feel my hand much - it’s weird, feels like it’s in plaster or something. Got a good burn on my hand but they said the feeling should return within 10 days.