There are those packing peanuts made from corn starch.
If I remember correctly, the industry term for packing peanuts is “void filler” so, fill that void!
Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 3 months ago
Can’t snack on the tomb cheese.
Can’t slurp the sarcophagus juice.
Can’t eat ancient worms.
What is there to live for.
There are those packing peanuts made from corn starch.
If I remember correctly, the industry term for packing peanuts is “void filler” so, fill that void!
Just met the girl
I know about the sarcophagus juice, but what the heck is the tomb cheese? lol
Be blessed by the 2.6k years old tomb cheese.…
Image 3 months ago
In pre-slavic society, you don’t eat worm. Worm eats you, then commands you to reproduce so worm has more you to eat.