Comment on flouride 3 months ago
This post written by Big Fluoride.
That toxic byproduct of fertilizer production is not going to dump itself in our water supply am I riiight?
Cmon, at least get the byproducts main source correct in your propaganda comment!
It is a fact, look it up.
You were joking right?
If that’s actually your idea of a valid source, and you’re not just trolling…I feel so sorry for you.
That article is just not correct. I can’t even begin to point out all the flaws in it. 3 months ago
That toxic byproduct of fertilizer production is not going to dump itself in our water supply am I riiight? 3 months ago
Cmon, at least get the byproducts main source correct in your propaganda comment! 3 months ago
It is a fact, look it up.
You were joking right? 3 months ago
If that’s actually your idea of a valid source, and you’re not just trolling…I feel so sorry for you.
That article is just not correct. I can’t even begin to point out all the flaws in it.