independants or those on the fence would just note that the democrats were pulling the same nonsense
Yeah, and they fucked our country so fuck them. If you were “on the fence” about this election then you simply dont desrve voting rights. Your opinion does not matter anymore.
Right wingers would just see it as confirmation that the rules dont matter
Cool, nothing changes.
On the left, the adults would see this as stupid, hypocritical temper tantrum
Ah yes, the adults who have gotten so much done with the erosion of our democracy since 2016. Bruh fuck “the adults” too, you guys failed us. Get out of the way and let actual progress happen instead of considering maybe possibly giving ukraine a little bit of funding but definitely giving isreal nukes to use on civs.
You people who want to work within the law while republicans consistently evade it are at best a waste of space. As worst, you are actively convincing people to simply pretend the issues are going to solve themselves, cause god knows you and your party wont. 3 months ago
Ironically, this is how a large swathe of the country feels about those who voted for Harris.
Kid, we couldn’t even get a majority of Americans to vote with us this time. Hystrionics and temper tantrums are not going to make things better. 3 months ago
Bruh you are not listening.
Yeah, and expect to see that forever. Were moved ng more to the right. We are literally getting worse and, at best, the democrats are too afraid to do anything about it. At worst theyre actively holding us back from progress and are no better than republicans.
I do not care about how “a large swathe of the country” feels. I’m no longer delusing myself into thinking we can please everyone.
The important thing is to make the world better, and that simply will not happen within the framework we have been given. Violence against republicans and the leaders of the democrat party are literally the only way forward.
Like im not even interested in continuing this debate. If you want to take a look at the last decade of democrat ineffectiveness and decide to continue that trend, then arguing with you is pointless.
I am not here to convince you, you want to sit on your laurels like all the other democrats that failed us. I am speaking to those that actually want the world yo get better 3 months ago
Ahhh good “people won’t listen to the things I want so violence is the answer.”
When you’re espousing the same political philosophy as Al Qaeda, you should reassess.
That being said, I said some stupid shit when I was a kid too, hopefully you grow out of it and help us actually make things better. 3 months ago
K, so im not going to engage with the age related trolling, as i am very likely opder than you, and your attempts to belittle me very much strike me as a childish response to the the fact that you cant argue against the complete ineffectiveness of your policies.
But, since you have conceeded actually arguing your point in favor of being childish, I guess theres not much more here to discuss. I hope you enjoy wasting your and everyone elses time with your virtue signalling as the world goes to shit, really hope it helps you sleep at night knowing you are acheiving nothing but making yourself feel righteous.